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Terms for subject Veterinary medicine (592 entries)
scirrhus Beule
scirrhus Wulst
scirrhus Geschwür
scorbute Skorbut
scorching Verbrennung
scorching Brandwunde
scorching Brandverletzung
scratches Fußekzem
seroprophylactic Seroprophylaxe
seroprophylactic Serumprophylaxe
serum-therapy Serotherapie
serum-therapy Serumtherapie
seven-years itch Krätze
sheep bradzot Bradsot
shoe boil Ellenbogenhygrom
shoe boil Stollbeule
shortness of breath Dyspnoe
shortness of breath Atembeschwerden
sickness Seuche
sightlessness Erblindung