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Terms for subject Mechanic engineering (28236 entries)
neat's-foot oil Klauenoel
neck Schrauben Hals
neck Schraubenhals
neck Beschriftungsstelle
neck Einstich
neck journal Tragzapfen
neck journal Querzapfen
neck mounting Bohrung
neck mounting Zapfen
neck of the axle Achsstummel
neck ring Gewindeanschlussring
needle Ziehöse
needle bearing Radial-Nadellager
needle bearing Ring-Nadellager
needle bushing Ring-Nadellager
needle bushing Nadellager
needle bushing Radial-Nadellager
needle cage Nadelkaefig
needle float transfer valve Umtankventilschwimmerventil
needle for bearings Nadel für Waelzlager