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Terms for subject Transport (59688 entries)
narrow fairway enges Wasser
narrow gage flat car Lorry
narrow gage flat car Plattformwagen
narrow gauge locomotive Schmalspur-Lokomotive
narrow gauge railway Feldbahn
narrow gauge railway Schmalspurbahn
narrow tractor Schmalspurschlepper
narrow tread Schmalspur
narrow washer schmale unterlegscheibe
narrow-deep loading trailer Obstkistenwagen
narrow-gauge line Schmalspurstrecke
narrow-gauge railway Feldbahn
narrowband emission schmalbandige Störung
narrowing of the gauge Spurverengung
narrowing of the track Spurverengung
National Administration of Roads Nationale Straßenbehörde
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Nationale Luft- und Raumfahrtbehörde
national airline Linienfluggesellschaft
national aviation authorities nationale Luftfahrtbehörden
national boatmasters'certificate einzelstaatliches Schifferpatent