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Terms for subject European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (192 entries)
loan currency Anleihewährung
Loan Service Kreditsevice Andrey­ Truhac­hev
long-term debts langfristige Verbindlichkeiten
management agreement Managementvereinbarung
manufacturing business Herstellungsbetrieb
manufacturing enterprise Fertigungsbetrieb
mode of payment Zahlungsweg
ocean freight Seetransport
open invitation to tender öffentliche Ausschreibung
opening hours Ausschankzeiten
overseas investment Auslandsinvestition
paid-in capital Einlagekapital
paid-in capital Grundkapital
paid-up capital eingebrachtes Kapital
payable in advance vorauszahlbar
payment by instalments Zahlung in Raten
payment date Zahlungstermin
payment schedule Zahlungsplan
payment slip Gehaltsbeleg
period of respite Schonfrist