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Terms for subject Environment (16275 entries)
input stream splitter splitter
insect (A class of the Arthropoda typically having a segmented body with an external, chitinous covering, a pair of compound eyes, a pair of antennae, three pairs of mouthparts, and two pairs of wings) insekter
insect insekter
insect repellent avskräckande medel
insecticide (Any chemical agent used to destroy invertebrate pests) insektsdödande medel
insecticide (Any chemical agent used to destroy invertebrate pests) insekticid
insecticide insektsbekämpningsmedel
insectivore (Any placental mammal of the order Insectivora, being typically small, with simple teeth, and feeding on invertebrates. The group includes shrews, moles, and hedgehogs) insektsätare
insectivore insektsätare
insectivores insektsätare
insects insekter
insoluble substance (Substance incapable of forming a solution, especially in water) olösligt ämne
insoluble substance olösligt ämne
inspecting authority tillsynsmyndighet
inspection (An official examination and evaluation of the extent to which specified goals, objectives, standards, policies or procedures of an agency, organization, department or unit have been met properly) kontroll
inspection of records revision av bokföring
inspection service (An organization designated to look into, supervise and report upon, the staff members and workings of some institution or department, or the conforming to laws and regulations by a segment of society or other group) inspektion
installation anläggning
installation optimisation (Adjustments made to a building or to a mechanical or electrical system or apparatus in order to maximize its functionality and efficiency) anläggningsoptimering
installation optimisation anläggningsoptimering