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Terms for subject Environment (7489 entries)
bulky waste (Large items of waste material, such as appliances, furniture, large auto parts, trees, branches, stumps, etc.) suurjäätmed
bulletin board system teatetahvel
burden sharing koormuse jagamine
Burden Sharing Agreement koormuse jagamise kokkulepe
bureaucratization (The multiplication of or concentration of power in administrators and administrative offices in an organization, usually resulting in an extension into and regimentation of certain areas of social life) bürokratiseerumine
bus (A large, long-bodied motor vehicle equipped with seating for passengers, usually operating as part of a scheduled service) buss
bus station (A place along a route or line at which a bus stops for fuel or to pick up or let off passengers or goods, especially with ancillary buildings and services) bussijaam
bush clearing (The removal of brush using mechanical means, either by cutting manually or by using machinery for crushing, rolling, flailing, or chipping it, or by chemical means or a combination of these) võsakoristus
business (The activity, position or site associated with commerce or the earning of a livelihood) ärindus
business (The activity, position or site associated with commerce or the earning of a livelihood) ettevõte
business activity (Any profit-seeking undertaking or venture that involves the production, sale and purchase of goods or services) ettevõtlus
business classification (The categorization of enterprises or organizations involved in an economy) ettevõtete liigitus
business economics (The art of purchasing and selling goods from an economics perspective or a perspective involving the scientific study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services) ettevõtteökonoomika
business organisation (A particular legal arrangement for owning a firm, the principal forms are sale trades, partnerships and companies/corporations; collective term for the system, function, process of planning, providing, coordinating, directing all efforts and resources in a business in order to achieve its goals) äriettevõtlus
business policy (The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for an enterprise or company organized for commercial purposes) ettevõtluspoliitika
business-as-usual scenario praeguste suundumuste jätkumise stsenaarium
butterfly (Any diurnal insect of the order Lepidoptera that has a slender body with clubbed antennae and typically rests with the wings (which are often brightly coloured) closed over the back) liblikas
button-cell battery (A tiny, circular battery made for a watch or for other microelectric applications) nööppatarei
button-cell battery nööpelement
by-catch (Incidental taking of non-commercial species in drift nets, trawling operations and long line fishing; it is responsible for the death of large marine animals and one factor in the threatened extinction of some species) kaaspüük