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Terms for subject Environment (7489 entries)
motor vehicle industry (No definition needed) mootorsõidukitööstus
motor vehicle pollution (Pollution caused by gases vented to the atmosphere by internal-combustion-engine driven vehicles) liiklussaastus
motorcycle mootorratas
motorway (A wide road built for fast moving traffic travelling long distances, with a limited number of points at which drivers can enter and leave it) kiirtee
mountain (A feature of the earth's surface that rises high above the base and has generally steep slopes and a relatively small summit area. Mountains are an important source of water, energy, minerals, forest and agricultural products, and recreation. They are storehouses of biological diversity and endangered species and an essential part of the global ecosystem. About 10% of the world's population depend on mountain resources and nearly half of these people are affected by the degradation of mountain watershed areas) mägi
mountain climate (Very generally, the climate of relatively high elevations; mountain climates are distinguished by the departure of their characteristics from those of surrounding lowlands, and the one common basis for this distinction is that of atmospheric rarefaction; aside from this, great variety is introduced by differences in latitude, elevation, and exposure to the sun; thus, there exists no single, clearly defined, mountain climate. Also known as highland climate) mägikliima
mountain ecosystem (Ecosystems found on high-mountains at low latitudes. Mountain ecosystems are very vulnerable. They are increasingly sensitive to soil erosion, landslide and rapid loss of habitat and genetic diversity. Widespread poverty and an increase in the numbers of mountain inhabitants lead to deforestation, cultivation of marginal lands, excessive livestock grazing, loss of biomass cover and other forms of environmental degradation. Because little is known about mountain ecosystems, Agenda 21 has proposed the establishment of a global mountain database. This is essential for the launch of programmes that would contribute to the sustainable development of mountain ecosystems. The proposals also focus on promoting watershed development and alternative employment for people whose livelihoods are linked to practices that degrade mountains) mägiökosüsteem
mountain forest (An extensive area of woodland that is found at natural elevations usually higher than 2000 feet) mägimets
mountain management mäestikumajandus
mountain protection mäestikukaitse
mountain range (A single, large mass consisting of a succession of mountains or narrowly spaced mountain ridges, with or without peaks, closely related in position, direction, formation, and age) mäeahelik
mountain refuge (Any shelter or protection from distress or danger located in a predominantly mountainous area) mäestikukaitseala
mountain resort (A place in the mountains where people spend their holidays and enjoy themselves) mäestikupuhkeala
mountaineering (No definition needed) mägironimine
mountainous area (Area characterized by conspicuous peaks, ridges, or mountain ranges) mägismaa
mowing (The cutting down of grass, crops or grain with a scythe or a mechanical device) niitmine
MSF Directive merestrateegia raamdirektiiv
MSF Directive Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu direktiiv, millega kehtestatakse ühenduse merekeskkonnapoliitika-alane tegevusraamistik
mud (A mixture of clay and/or silt with water to form a plastic mass with a particle size preponderantly below 0.06 mm diameter. It is deposited in low-energy environments in lakes, estuaries and lagoons. It may also be deposited in deep-sea environments; sediment) muda
mud flat (A relatively level area of fine silt along a shore (as in a sheltered estuary) or around an island, alternately covered and uncovered by the tide, or covered by shallow water) mudarand