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Terms for subject Environment (24932 entries)
national inventory report nationaal inventarisatierapport
national legislation (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by the government of a sovereign state that holds force throughout the regions and territories within the government's dominion) nationale wetgeving
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Nationale Administratie voor de Oceaan en de Atmosfeer
national park nationaal landschap
national park beschermd landschap
national park (Areas of outstanding natural beauty, set aside for the conservation of flora, fauna and scenery, and for recreation, if this does not conflict with the conservation objectives of the parks and their landscapes. Hunting, logging, mining, commercial fishing, agriculture and livestock grazing are all controlled within national parks, as is industrial activity) nationaal park
National Park of the Northern Sporades Nationaal Park in de Noordelijke Sporaden
national planning (The step by step method and process of defining, developing and outlining various possible courses of actions to meet existing or future needs, goals and objectives for a country or a large body of people associated with a particular territory, often sharing similar ethnic backgrounds, customs and language) nationale planning
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) nationaal systeem voor het uitbannen van verontreinigende lozingen
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System nationaal systeem voor de verwijdering van vervuilende afvalstoffen
National Preservation Programme Landelijk Handhavingsprogramma
National Priorities List (NPL) National Priorities List
National Radioactive Waste Corporation Spaanse nationale maatschappij voor radioactief afval
National Radioactivity Monitoring Network Nationaal Meetnet Radioactiviteit
national reduction obligation nationale reductieverplichting
national reserve (No definition needed) nationaal reservaat
national reserve nationaal reservaat
National Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection Nationaal Genootschap voor zuivere lucht en milieubescherming
national strategy for sustainable development nationale strategie voor duurzame ontwikkeling
National Water Depletion Research Programme Nationaal Onderzoeksprogramma Verdroging