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Terms for subject Pharmacy and pharmacology (3447 entries)
Neighborhood controls Buurtcontroles
nelfinavir nelfinavir mesylaat
nelfinavir Viracept
nelfinavir mesylate nelfinavir mesylaat
nelfinavir mesylate Viracept
nembutal pentobarbital
neomycin (including framycetin) neomycine (inclusief framycetine)
Neonatal mortality rate Neonatale sterfte
Neonatal period Neonatale periode
nepenthes sedativum
Nested case control study Genest patiënt-controle onderzoek
Net migration Netto migratie
Net migration rate Netto migratie cijfer
Net reproduction rate Netto reproductiecijfer
Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development ZorgOnderzoek Nederland
Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development ZonMw
neurotropic strain neurotrope stam
new substances nieuwe stoffen
nitrofurans (including furazolidone) nitrofuranen (inclusief furazolidon)
nitrogen aromatic compound aromatische stikstofverbinding