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Terms for subject Measuring instruments (4690 entries)
accuracy to size nauwkeurigheid van afmetingen
accurate measuring instrument nauwkeurigheidsmeetinstrument
accurate measuring instrument precisiemeetinstrument
accurate to size of gage naar maat
accurate to size of gauge naar maat
acetimeter acetometer
acetimeter azijnmeter
acidimeter acidimeter
acidometer zuurmeter
acoumeter audiometer
acoustic burglar alarm akoestisch inbraakalarmapparaat
acoustic depth finder dieptemeter
acoustic depth finder echolood
acoustic fixing of aircraft akoestische plaatsbepaling van vliegtuigen
acoustic method of measuring altitude akoestische hoogtemeetmethode
acoustimeter lawaaimeter
acribometer acribometro
action of a controller controllerwerking
active power nuttig vermogen
active sonar ultrasone sonar