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Terms for subject Health care (16800 entries)
walking bus loopbus
walking instructor looptrainer
walking instructor oefentherapeut
walking-stick wandelstok
wall lining geluidsabsorberende bekleding
wandering rash of the tongue pityriasis linguae
wandering rash of the tongue erythema migrans
wandering rash of the tongue exfoliatio areata linguae
wandering rash of the tongue glossitis areata exfoliativa
wandering rash of the tongue lingua geographica
warble runderhorzellarve
warble fly infestation hypodermatosis
warble-fly infestation horzellarve-besmetting
warbles hypodermatosis
warfarin warfarine
warm fermentation warme fermentatie
warning assembly stralingsalarmopstelling
warning assembly alarmopstelling
warning level richtwaarde
warning threshold alarmeringsdrempel