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Terms for subject Commerce (2171 entries)
letter-post item brievenpostzending
letter-post item zending per brievenpost
liberalisation handelsliberalisering
liberalisation liberalisering van de handel
liberalisation list liberalisatielijst
licensed wholesale trade drankengroothandel
light cola light-colafrisdrank
like or directly competitive product overeenkomstig of rechtstreeks concurrerend produkt
list of competent national authorities lijst van bevoegde nationale instanties
literature for the blind drukwerk in braille
literature for the blind blindenschrift
literature for the blind brailleschrift
literature for the blind braillestuk
literature for the blind brailletekst
literature in relief for the blind drukwerk in braille
literature in relief for the blind blindenschrift
literature in relief for the blind brailleschrift
literature in relief for the blind braillestuk
literature in relief for the blind brailletekst
local-content measure localcontentvoorschrift