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Terms for subject Taxes (2039 entries)
income tax and wealth tax inkomsten - en vermogensbelastingen
income tax child allowance kinderaftrek
Income Tax Implementation Order Uitvoeringsbeschikking inkomstenbelasting
income tax on wages bedrijfsvoorheffing
income tax on wages loonbelasting
income tax return aangifte inkomstenbelasting
income tax statement aangifte inkomstenbelasting
increased rate hoog tarief
independent business onafhankelijke exploitatie
indirect taxation indirecte belasting
indirect taxation arrangements that dispense with checks at internal borders indirecte-belastingregeling zonder grenscontrole
Indirect Taxes Division Afdeling Indirecte Belastingen
individual ceiling individueel plafond
individual income tax inkomstenbelasting
individual income tax personenbelasting
individual income tax on natural persons inkomstenbelasting van natuurlijke personen
individual income tax on natural persons inkomstenbelasting voor natuurlijke personen
inducement fiscale stimuleringsmaatregel
inducement belastingprikkel
inducements belastingfaciliteiten