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Terms for subject Materials science (6183 entries)
canvas water pipe rechte of linnenbinding
cap sluitdop
cap heimuts
cap paalmuts
cap hopper vultrechter
cap nut lage kopmoer
cap nut lage dopmoer
cap nut lage kapmoer
capacity debiet
capacity cost kapitaalskosten
capacity of a cold room inhoud
capillary creep capillaire kruipweg
capillary creep capillaire lekkage
capillary dip tube capillaire dompelbuis
capital contribution to network costs bijdrage in de netkosten
capper capsuleermachine
capstan head spilkop
carbon dioxide extinguisher CO2-snelblusser
carbon dioxide extinguisher CO2-snelblustoestel
carbon dioxide extinguisher koolzuursnelblusser