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Terms for subject Environment (21488 entries)
sub-main diramazione di collettore
sub-national boundary (The line demarcating a territory located within the limits of a State) confine sub-nazionale
sub-national boundary confine sub-nazionale
sub-population collective dose equivalente di dose per un gruppo
subclinical or subtle changes cambiamenti leggeri o subclinici
Subcommittee on Fresh Water Sottocomitato per le acque dolci
subcrested honeyeater melifago dall'elmo
subject (No definition needed) soggetto
subject soggetto
subject of protection beni da proteggere
sublethal effect effetto subletale
sublittoral zone zona sublitorale
submarine morphology morfologia sottomarina
submarine morphology (That aspect of geological oceanography which deals with the relief features of the ocean floor and with the forces that modify them) morfologia sottomarina
submerged or partially submerged sea cave grotta marina sommersa o semisommersa
submissive gesture comportamento di sottomissione
subnatural forest ecosystem ecosistema forestale quasi-naturale
subnatural forest ecosystem ecosistema forestale subnaturale
subpriority sottoasse
Subregional Action Programme programma d'azione subregionale