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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
nycthemeral nictemerale
nycthemeral nictoemerale
Oahu tree snails lumaca piccola agata di Oahu
oak (Any tree of the genus Quercus in the order Fagales, characterized by simple, usually lobed leaves, scaly winter buds, a star-shaped pith, and its fruit, the acorn, which is a nut; the wood is tough, hard, and durable, generally having a distinct pattern) quercia
objection (The act of a party who objects to some matter or proceeding in the course of a trial or an argument or reason urged by him in support of his contention that the matter or proceeding objected to is improper or illegal) obiezione
objective for the stabilization of carbon dioxide emissions obiettivo di stabilizzazione del CO2
objective, reliable, timely and comparable information informazioni oggettive, affidabili, tempestive e comparabili
obligation to inform obbligo di informazione
obligation to label obbligo di etichettatura
obligation to label (The legal responsibility or duty compelling manufacturers to affix certain marks or other written identification to their products, as is directed by laws, regulations or government standards) obbligo di etichettatura
obscuring phenomenon fenomeno di oscuramento
observation satellite satellite da osservazione
observation satellite (Man-made device that orbits the earth, receiving, processing and transmitting signals and generating images such as weather pictures) satellite da osservazione
observatory (in general) osservatorio
obsolete industrial zone zona industriale dismessa
obsolete industrial zone ex-zona industriale
obstruction to vision riduzione della visibilità
obtain the consent of pollution control authorities before discharging to wastewater treatment plants S54
obtain the consent of pollution control authorities before discharging to wastewater treatment plants procurarsi il consenso delle autorità di controllo dell'inquinamento prima di scaricare negli impianti di trattamento delle acque di scarico
occupation occupazione