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Terms for subject Law (25961 entries)
deed exceptionally recorded duty free by registry office atto registrato a debito
deed gone astray documento smarrito
deed liable to stamp duty atto soggetto a imposta di bollo
deed null and void atto nullo
deed of association atto costitutivo
deed of gift atto di donazione tra vivi
deed of incorporation atto costitutivo
deed of protest atto di protesto
deed of settlement atto di divisione
deed of transfer atto traslativo di proprietà
deed of trust negozio fiduciario
deed prepared in draft form atto redatto in base a una bozza
deed restriction azione restrittiva
deed restriction limitazione
deed restriction restrizione
deed under private seal atto privato
deed under private seal scrittura privata
deed under seal rògito
deed-poll atto unilaterale
deed-poll dichiarazione unilaterale