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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
building-up of a pool formazione di un lago
building-up of a pool formazione di un lago di idrogeno
built drainage system sistema di drenaggio artificiale
built drainage system (Collection of open and/or closed drains, together with structures and pumps used to collect and dispose of excess surface or subsurface water) sistema di drenaggio artificiale
built environment ambiente costruito
built environment ambiente edificato
built environment (That part of the physical surroundings which are people-made or people-organized, such as buildings and other major structures, roads, bridges and the like, down to lesser objects such as traffic lights, telephone and pillar boxes) ambiente costruito
built structure struttura edificata
built structure (Any structure made of stone, bricks, wood, concrete, or steel, built with a roof and walls, such as a house or factory) struttura edificata
built-up area (Area which is full of houses, shops, offices and other buildings, with very little open space) area edificata
bulb cultivation coltivazione di bulbi
bulb cultivation (The cultivation of flower bulb is divided into two sectors: for forcing (flower bulbs used by professional growers for the production of cut flowers and potted plants) and for dry sales (flower bulbs for garden planting, flower pots, landscaping and parks)) coltivazione di bulbi
bulk collection raccolta in massa
bulk sampling campionamento di massa
bulky waste (Large items of waste material, such as appliances, furniture, large auto parts, trees, branches, stumps, etc.) rifiuto ingombrante
bulky waste rifiuto ingombrante
bulldozer tender veicolo di supporto apripista
bulletin board system bacheca elettronica
bulletin board system (An assemblage of computer hardware and software that can be linked by computer modem dialing for the purpose of sharing or exchanging messages or other files) bacheca elettronica
Bulwer's petrel berta di Bulwer