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Terms for subject Environment (23140 entries)
beautiful parakeet parrocchetto del paradiso
bee (Any of the membranous-winged insects which compose the superfamily Apoidea in the order Hymenoptera characterized by a hairy body and by sucking and chewing mouthparts) api
bee conservation protezione delle api
bee conservation (The care, preservation and husbandry of hymenopterous insects valued for their ability to pollinate crops and other flora or for their production of honey) protezione delle api
bee orchid ofride fior d'ape
beef cattle (Cattle bred for the production of meat) vacche da carne
beef cattle vacche da carne
beetle coleotteri
beetle (Any insect of the order Coleoptera, having biting mouthparts and forewings modified to form shell-like protective elytra) coleotteri
beetles coleotteri
behaviour (Any observable action or response of an organism, group or species to environmental factors) comportamento
behaviour of climate comportamento climatico
behaviour of substances (Reactivity of a compound depending on the structure of the molecules) comportamento delle sostanze
behaviour of substances comportamento delle sostanze
behaviour pattern (A relatively uniform series of overt activities that can be observed with some regularity) modello di comportamento
behaviour pattern modello comportamentale
behaviour pattern modello di comportamento
behaviour pattern modulo comportamentale
behavioural science (The study of the behaviour of organisms) scienze del comportamento
behavioural science scienze del comportamento