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Terms for subject Fish farming (pisciculture) (5350 entries)
rainbow sardine dussumeria
rainbow smelt eperlano
rainbow trout trota iridea
rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss
rainbow trout trota americana
rainbow wrasse donzella
rake of keel inclinazione di chiglia
rake trawl with depressor rapido
rat-tail pesce sorcio
rat-tail anchovy pesce topo pelagico
ratfish chimera elefante
ratfish chimera
ratfish chimera elefante
ratfishes chimere
ratio of entries/exits of vessels rapporto entrate/uscite di pescherecci
raw maatje herring maatje
raw maatje herring aringa giovane
ray razza
ray's bream pesce castagna
Ray's bream pesce castagna