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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
tipping floor affaldsfremskubningsanordning
tipping for the purpose of disposal deponering med henblik på bortskaffelse
tipping underground deponering i jorden
tipping with compaction deponering af komprimeret affald
tissue (A part of an organism consisting of a large number of cells having a similar structure and function) væv
titanium (A strong malleable white metallic element, which is very corrosion-resistant and occurs in rutile and ilmenite. It is used in the manufacture of strong lightweight alloys, especially aircraft parts) titan
titanium dioxide titandioxid
titanium dioxide titaniumdioxid
titanium dioxide E 171
titanium dioxide (A white, water-insoluble powder that melts at 1560°C, and which is produced commercially from the titanium dioxide minerals ilmenite and rutile; used in paints and cosmetics) titandioxid
titration reagent titrator
toad tudser
toad (Any anuran amphibian of the class Bufonidae, such as Bufo bufo of Europe. They are similar to frogs but are more terrestrial, having a drier warty skin) tudser
toads tudser
tobacco processing affald fra fremstilling og forarbejdning af frugt,grøntsager,korn,spiseolier,kakao,kaffe,tobak og konserves
tobacco processing Affald fra fremstilling og forarbejdning af frugt, groentsager, korn, spiseolier, kakao, kaffe, tobak og konserves
tobacco refuse tobaksaffald
tobacco scraps tobaksaffald
tobacco smoke tobaksrøg
tobacco smoke (The grey, brown, or blackish mixture of gases and suspended carbon particles resulting from the combustion of tobacco. Tobacco smoke is inhaled and distributes toxins widely throughout the body and causes an enormous variety of illness among users and among non-smokers exposed to tobacco smoke) tobaksrøg