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Terms for subject Mathematics (3427 entries)
Cochran's criterion Cochrankriterium
Cochran's criterion McNemars test
Cochran's Q-test McNemars test
Cochran's Q-test Cochrankriterium
Cochran's rule Cochransregel
Cochran's test Cochrans test
Cochran's theorem Cochrans sætning
coefficient koefficient
coefficient of agreement overensstemmelseskoefficient
coefficient of alienation koefficient på fremmedgørelse
coefficient of association koefficient på sammenslutning
coefficient of concentration koefficient på koncentration
coefficient of concordance konkordanskoefficient
coefficient of consistence konsistenskoefficient
coefficient of contingency koefficient på uforudsete
coefficient of correlation korrelationskoefficient
coefficient of determination determinationskoefficient
coefficient of disarray koefficient på uorden
coefficient of divergence koefficient på divergens
coefficient of excess koefficient af overskydende