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Terms for subject Environment (23644 entries)
aerosol concentration aerosolkoncentration
aerosol dispenser aerosol
aerosol dispenser drivmiddel i spraydåse
aerosol formation aerosoldannelse
aerosol formation dannelse af aerosoler
aerosol propellant aerosoldrivmiddel
aerosol propellant drivmiddel for aerosoler
aerosol propellant aerosoldrivgas
aerosol propellent drivmiddel for aerosoler
aerosol propellent aerosoldrivmiddel
aerosol removal filter aerosolfilter
aesthetic nuisance genevirkninger paa miljoeets aestetiske kvalitet
aesthetics æstetik
aesthetics (Considerations, values, and judgements pertaining to the quality of the human perceptual experience (including sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, and movement) evoked by phenomena or components of the environment) æstetik
aestivation sommerdvale
aestivation sommersøvn
affected countries ramte lande
afforestation plantning af skov
afforestation skovplantning
afforestation skovrejsning