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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
UN international covenant international FN-overenskomst
UN International Drug Control Programme FN's internationale narkotikakontrolprogram
UN International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women Det Internationale Forsknings- og Uddannelsesinstitut for Kvinder
UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute De Forenede Nationers Tværregionale Kriminalitets- og Retsforskningsinstitut
UN Population Fund De Forenede Nationers Befolkningsfond
UN programmes and funds FN-programmer og -fonde
UN regional commission regional FN-kommission
UN research and training institutes FN's institut for uddannelse og forskning
UN Research Institute for Social Development De Forenede Nationers Forskningsinstitut for Social Udvikling
UN resolution FN-resolution
UN Secretariat FN's Sekretariat
UN Secretary-General FN's generalsekretær
UN Security Council FN's Sikkerhedsråd
UN specialised agency FN-særorganisation
UN Standing Committee permanent komité
UN subsidiary body hjælpeorgan
UN technical commission teknisk FN-kommission
UN Trusteeship Council FN's Formynderskabsråd
UN-Habitat FN's Habitat
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