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Terms for subject Metallurgy (12420 entries)
oil free oliefri
oil hardening oliehærdning
oil residue olierest
oil stain fedtplet
oil tempering olieanløbning
oil-coating afsluttende overtræk af olie
oiled olieret
on edge på kant
on edge på højkant
on load secondary voltage sekundær arbejdsspænding
on-line characteristics of surface on-line karakteristika af valsetilstanden
on-line diagnostics on-line diagnosticering
on-line instrumentation on-line instrumentering
on-site analysis analyse prå stedet
on-time varmetid
one piece nozzle blokdyse
one piece nozzle with central cutting bore blokdyse
one-off job enkeltfremstilling
one-part adhesive enkomponentlim
one-sided statistical tolerance interval ensidet statistisk toleranceinterval