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Terms for subject Metallurgy (12420 entries)
needle-shaped nåleformet
Neeland top spandhejseværk
negative creep negativ krybning
negative segregate band bånd af omvendt sejgring
negative segregation omvendt sejgring
negative strip negativ slip
nepheline syenite nefelinsyenit
nepheline syenite nephelinsyenit
net receipts of scrap by the iron and steel industry from outside jern-og stålindustriens nettotilførsler af skrot
net width nyttig bredde
nett cross-section of a rolled section nettotværsnit af et profil
netting of iron or steel wire trådnet af jern- og ståltråd
network structure netformet struktur
Neumann bands Neumannbånd
Neumann line Neumannbånd
neutral embossing neutral prægning
neutral flame normal flamme
neutral flow plane neutralflade
neutral refractory neutralt ildfast materiale
new sand nysand