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Terms for subject Economy (18566 entries)
national budget statsbudget
national city park nationalbypark
national civilians staying abroad for a period of more than one year civile statsborgere,der opholder sig i udlandet i en periode,der overstiger ét år
national concept of occupied population nationalt beskæftigelsesbegreb
national currency national valuta
national day of mourning national sørgedag
national debt statsgæld
national debt offentlig gæld
national disposable income disponibel nationalindkomst
national economy national økonomi
national economy nationaløkonomi
national economy statshusholdning
national economy indenrigsøkonomi
national economy as a whole samlet økonomi
national election nationalt valg
national employment action plan national handlingsplan for beskæftigelsen
national expenditure rådighedsbeløb
national financing national finansiering
national grouping of undertakings national virksomhedsgruppe
national identity national identitet