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Terms for subject Agriculture (40559 entries)
narrow-cut share smalt skær
narrow-drum thresher pigtærsker
narrow-drum thresher langstærsker
narrow-eared barley nikkende byg
Nashi pear pære - nashi
Nathan system Nathan-system
national agricultural research organisations in developing countries nationale landbrugsforskningsorganisationer i udviklingslandene
national average production costs gennemsnitlige indenlandske produktionsomkostninger
national censuses of agricultural holdings medlemsstaternes tællinger vedrørende landbrugsbedrifter
national classification scale nationalt klassificeringssystem
national conservation measure national bevarelsesforanstaltning
national envelope national pulje
national envelope nationalt rammebeløb
National Farmers' Confederation landbrugets landssammenslutning
national fishing register national fortegnelse over fiskerfartøjer
national forest statsskov
national forest park nationalpark med skov
National Institute of Animal Sciences,Department of Cattle Landøkonomisk Forsøgslaboratoriums afdeling for forsøg med kvæg
National Inter-branch Oil-seed Organization national brancheorganisation for oliefrø
National inter-trade association of table wines and local wines of France national branchesammenslutning for bordvin og vin