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Terms for subject Food industry (3874 entries)
ginger jam ingefærsyltetøj
gingerbread honningkage
gingerbread honningkager
gingerbread and the like honningkager og lignende
glass sight funnel skueglas
glassy sodium polyphosphate natriumtetrapolyphosphat
glassy sodium polyphosphate glasagtigt natriumpolyphosphat
glassy sodium polyphosphate Grahams salt
glassy sodium polyphosphate Maddrells salt
glassy sodium polyphosphate natriumhexametaphosphat
glassy sodium polyphosphate natriummetaphosphat
glassy sodium polyphosphate natriumpolymetaphosphat
glassy sodium polyphosphate natriumpolyphosphat
glazing agent overfladebehandlingsmiddel
glazing agent (including lubricants) overfladebehandlingsmiddelherunder glittemidler
glazings for meat and vegetable products glaseringslag til kød og grøntsager
Global Directive on food additives globalt direktiv om tilsætningsstoffer til levnedsmidler
gluconic acid E 574
gluconic acid gluconsyre
glucono-delta-lactone gluconolacton