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Terms for subject General (1701723 entries)
route march марш
route mile погонная миля
route mile погонное миля
route miles погонные мили
route of entry путь поступления в организм Alexan­der Dem­idov
route of escape путь к отступлению Anglop­hile
route plan план действий Alexan­der Dem­idov
route plan программа действий Игорь ­Миг
route plan рабочий план Игорь ­Миг
route plan план работы Игорь ­Миг
route plan and march formations схема марша Gruzov­ik
route sampling маршрутная выборка Vladim­ir71
route schedule нитка-график Lavrov
route sheet маршрутный лист (a document accounting for the output of production and tracing the sequence of operations of a batch of manufactured components. The route sheet is used in serial and especially individual production to show the workers’ output, calculate the wages of the workers, and exercise operative super-vision of the movement of parts in production. The route sheet accompanies the batch of components in all manufacturing operations to aid in supervising the observance of technological discipline and the preservation of all elements. Thus the route sheet combines the features of a managing and an accounting document, since it contains standardized data (such as time standards and cost) and information about the actual movement of the manufactured components and about the workers’ output in each operation. The route sheet has played a more important role since the introduction of automatic production control and of the use of network schedules. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc.) Alexan­der Dem­idov
route sheets маршрутные листы Alexan­der Dem­idov
route sign маршрутный знак bigmax­us
route step походный шаг
route taxi маршрутное такси Сергей­ Кузнец­ов
route taxi-van маршрутное такси Sergey­L
route to the top путь наверх dimock