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Terms for subject General (1701723 entries)
his efforts were crowned with success его усилия увенчались успехом
his efforts were foredoomed to failure его усилия были обречены на провал
his efforts were ineffectual его усилия были тщетными
his efforts were ineffectual его усилия ни к чему не привели
his efforts were misdirected его усилия были направлены по ложному пути
his efforts were not in vain его усилия не пропали даром
his efforts were not wasted его усилия не пропали даром
his efforts were reduced to almost nothing его усилия были сведены почти что на нет
his efforts were remunerated он был вознаграждён за свои старания
his efforts were wasted его усилия пропали даром
his ego was punctured by the criticism эта критика (сильно) задела его самолюбие
his ego was punctured by the criticism эта критика (сильно) уязвила его самолюбие
his ego was punctured by the criticism эта критика сильно задела его самолюбие
his elbow has worked through the sleeve рукав у него протёрся на локте
his elbow (her arm, the child's hand, etc.) rests on the table его локоть (и т.д.) лежит на столе
his elevator doesn't go to the top floor. он туповат
his eligibility to office is disputed ещё неизвестно, может ли он быть выбран
his eligibility to office is disputed ещё неизвестно, годится ли он на это место
his eligibleness to office is disputed ещё неизвестно, может ли он быть выбран
his eligibleness to office is disputed ещё неизвестно, годится ли он на это место