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Terms for subject General (1701728 entries)
full-time farming полная занятость на ферме
full-time job штатная должность
full-time job постоянное место работы Tanya ­Gesse
full-time learning стационарное обучение Andree­v
Full-time personal accident insurance Полное страхование от несчастных случаев
full-time position постоянная занятость Cranbe­rry
full-time position полный рабочий день Cranbe­rry
full-time position условия постоянной работы Johnny­ Bravo
full-time position должность с полным рабочим днём Johnny­ Bravo
full-time position должность в штате Johnny­ Bravo
full-time postgraduate study очная аспирантура dorann
full-time salaried investigator штатный следователь sankoz­h
full-time staff member постоянный работник Alexan­der Dem­idov
full-time stud дневная форма обучения (▪ If successful, such students will be recommended for reinstatement of their grants and return to full-time study. ▪ Some professions require you to seek further qualifications which entail another period of full-time study. ▪ Courses are generally of 12 months' duration by full-time study. ▪ How many years will it take to complete the course by full-time study? ▪ The period of study depends upon entry qualifications but for the MPhil a minimum of 12 months full-time study is required. ▪ It then suggested a pattern of full-time study consisting of two courses, which were dubbed C1 and C2. ▪ They study by a variety of methods, including evening classes, distance-learning and full-time study. LDOCE) Alexan­der Dem­idov
full-time students студенты-очники Alexan­der Dem­idov
full-time teacher учитель с полной нагрузкой
full-time university students студенты-очники JaneN
full-time university students студенты очного отделения вуза JaneN
full-time work работа на условиях полной занятости segu
full-time worker рабочий, занятый полную рабочую неделю