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Terms for subject Religion (36510 entries)
Tabernacles Праздник Кущей
Tabernacles Кущи
Tabernacles Суккот
tabi' таби
Tabitha Тавифа
tabla табла
tabla барабаны
table of oblation жертвенник
Table Spread Трапеза
Table Spread "Трапеза"
table-turning столоверчение
table-turning спиритизм
tableegh призыв Alex_O­deychuk
tables of the covenant скрижали завета
tablet таблетка
tablets скрижали
taboo (l.A prohibition against touching, saying, or doing (something) for fear of immediate harm from a supernatural force; 2. Forbidden to profane use or contact because of what are held to be dangerous supernatural powers; 3. To set apart as taboo by marking with a ritualistic symbol) табу
taboo (l.A prohibition against touching, saying, or doing (something) for fear of immediate harm from a supernatural force; 2. Forbidden to profane use or contact because of what are held to be dangerous supernatural powers; 3. To set apart as taboo by marking with a ritualistic symbol) табуированный
taboo (l.A prohibition against touching, saying, or doing (something) for fear of immediate harm from a supernatural force; 2. Forbidden to profane use or contact because of what are held to be dangerous supernatural powers; 3. To set apart as taboo by marking with a ritualistic symbol) запретный
taboo (l.A prohibition against touching, saying, or doing (something) for fear of immediate harm from a supernatural force; 2. Forbidden to profane use or contact because of what are held to be dangerous supernatural powers; 3. To set apart as taboo by marking with a ritualistic symbol) запрещённый