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Terms for subject Cosmetics and cosmetology (461 entries)
blend 调配
blush 腮红
body scrub 身体磨砂膏
body shower foam 沐浴露
bottling 装瓶
bottom lash 下眼睑睫毛
box-packed 盒装的
Brand perfumes are genuine and completely natural and safe fragrances, free from harmful chemical ingredients and toxic synthetics 品牌香水是真正的、完全自然的安全香水,不含有害化学成分和有毒合成物
brand-name 品牌名称,名牌
brow pencil 眉笔
brow powder 眉粉
Burberry 博柏利
Bvlgari 宝格丽
calming 舒缓的
Calotine 歌宝婷
chain store 连锁店
citronella 香茅香茅油可用于香水和肥皂
citrus 柑橘类果实
clarify 净化
cleanser 洗面奶,洁面乳