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Terms for subject Nautical (16549 entries)
radio waves laboratory 无线电波实验室
radio wind room 无线电测风室
radioactive material surface contaminated objects (SCO-1) non-fissile or fissile-excepted UN 2913 非裂变的或预计裂变的表面受到放射性物质污染的物体
radioactive material, low specific activity (LSA-1) non-fissile or fissile-excepted 低比活度 (LSA-1)
radioactive materials (Class 7 dangerous materials) 放射性物质第7类危险货物
radioactive products or waste 放射性产物或废料
radioactive substances 放射性物质
radioactivity meter for liquids 液体放射性检验器
radioisotopic laboratory 放射性同位素实验室
radioman telegrapher 无线电报务员
Radioposition reference 无线电位置基准
radiosonde detecting room 探空仪检测室
radiotelegraph auto alarm 无线电报自动报警器
radiotelephone operator 无线电报务员
radius link 滑靴
radius of blade circle 叶元半径
radius of leading edge 导边半径
radius of propeller 螺旋桨半径
radius of trailing edge 随边半径
raft davit 吊筏架