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Terms for subject Plastic surgery (5088 entries)
absence of pectoralis major 胸大肌缺如
absence of vagina 阴道缺失
absent reflex 反射消失
absorbable hemostatic gauze 可吸收止血纱布
absorbable implant 可吸收植人物
absorbable ligature 可吸收结扎线
absorbable material 可吸收材料
absorbable plate 可吸收接骨板
absorbable screw fixation 可吸收螺钉固定术
absorptive dressings 有吸收力的敷料
accessory bone 副骨
accessory bone 附骨
accessory breast 副乳
accessory breast 副乳症
accessory mamma 副乳
accessory mamma 副乳症
accessory nostril 畐鼻孔
accessory tragi 副耳屏
acellular allograft 脱细胞异体移植
acheilia 无唇畸形