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Terms for subject Wushu (2197 entries)
backhand blow 甩手
backhand punch 撇拳
backhand stroke in bow step 弓步盖掌
backward fall 仰身跌
backward jump step 后跳步
backward scale 仰平衡
backward somersault 倒翻筋斗
backward step 撤步
baduanjin 八段锦
baguazhang 八卦掌
balance between yin and yang 阴阳平衡
balance exercise 平衡练习
balance with knee lifted in front 前提膝平衡
balance with one knee raised 提膝平衡
balance with one leg lifted up 直立举腿平衡
ball-holding gesture 抱球
banish all distracting thoughts 排除杂念
bare hand exercise 徒手练习
bare-handed dual 徒手对练
bare-handed exercise 拳术