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Terms for subject Acridology (211 entries)
Central American locust 尖额沙漠蝗 (Schistocerca piceifrons)
centralized reporting and forecasting system 集中式报告和预报系统
circle 盘旋
circling flight 盘旋飞翔
coffee locust 咖啡树蝗 (Chremon repentinus)
compact swarm 高密度蝗群
congregans breeding 群集繁殖
control campaign 防治运动
control locust 治蝗
control unit 防治单位
corneagenous cell 角膜生成细胞
crowded 密集的
crowded 拥挤的
dense swarm 高密度蝗群
desert locust 沙漠蝗 (Schistocerca gregaria)
desert locust area 沙漠蝗区
Desert Locust Hopper Report 沙漠飞蝗报告
dispersion 分布
distribution and migration patterns 分布与迁移方式
drift spraying 飘移喷雾