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Terms for subject Securities (50561 entries)
title guaranty policy 产权担保保单
title in shares 股份所有权
title insurance 所有权保险以债权人的资产索偿权为标的的保险
title search 产权调查
title to shares 股票所有权
titles to securities 有价证券所有权
titular 有所有权的
titular possession 合法持有的财产
to be announced 即将公布
to be announced 即将宣布
to be announced 将公布
to be announced 待公布
to be deemed to consent 被视为同意
to be fined for manipulating the market 因操纵市场被判罚款
to be liable for 负责
to be quoted and traded on stock exchanges 在证券交易所挂牌交易
to be responsible of its own profits and losses 自负盈亏
to be responsible of its own profits and losses 对盈亏自己承担责任
to be subject to restrictions under laws 属于法律禁止的
to go 即将卖出将卖出,但尚未办理股权转让手续