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Terms for subject Finances (40159 entries)
take a position 开仓
take a position 建仓
take a position 建立头寸
take a severe beating 遭受沉重的打击
take a tougher stand 采取更强硬的立场
take active steps 采取积极步骤
take advantage of enormous demand to sell at an inflated price 利用巨大需求抬高发行价
take aggressive measures 采取大胆的措施
take all necessary steps 采取一切必要措施
take bribes 受贿
take bribes 贪赃
take bribes and bend the law 贪赃枉法
take comprehensive measures 采取综合性措施
take concrete steps 采取切实步骤
take defensive action 采取防御性措施
take deposits 吸收存款
take discretionary measures 自由采取行动
take effect from day's date 自即日起生效
take expanding domestic demand as long-term strategy for economic development 把扩大内需作为经济发展的长期战略
take fresh steps 采取新一轮措施