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Terms for subject Dancing (1081 entries)
tilt oversway 高度倾斜步
time 节奏
time signature 乐拍调号
time step 时间步
time step 节奏步
tipple 晃步
tipple chasse to left 晃追步向左
tipple chasse to left 左转颠跛追步
tipple chasse to right 晃追步向右
tipple chasse to right 右转颠跛追步
tipple chasse to right along side of room 晃追步向右顺沿舞厅边缘
tipsy to left 蹒跚追步向左
tipsy to left 醉步向左
tipsy to right 蹒跚追步向右
tipsy to right 醉步向右
to centre 中央
to centre backing DC 中央背向斜中央
to centre backing DC against LOD 中央背向逆舞程线的斜中央
to centre LF pointing to wall 中央左脚尖指向舞壁
toe 脚尖舞