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Terms for subject Project management (16871 entries)
short call 认购期权淡仓
short covering 补仓
short futures contract 淡仓期货合约
short list 短名单
short list 人选名单
short listed firms 列人短名单的公司
short listed firms 候选公司名单
short notice 短期通知书
short notice and time deposit 短期通知及定期存款
short of liquidity 资金紧绌
short position 空仓
short position 短盘
short selling 沽空
short selling system 证券沽空制度
short term contracts 短期合同
short term loan 短期贷款
short-term indicator of economic condition 短期经济指标
short-term rating 短期评级
shortage of labour 劳力不足
shortcut 快捷方式