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Terms for subject Space (127073 entries)
safe-hold configuration 保安全配置
safe-life construction 安全寿命构造
safe-point 安全点
safe/arm and securing unit 保险/解和保密安全装置
safe/arm ignition devices 安全点火装置
safe/arm plug 保险-解保塞
safe/arming unit 保险-解保装置
Safeguard 卫兵
safeguard ground 保护地
safeguard team 安全保卫组
safety 安全措施[设备]
safety access service 安全接入业务
safety altitude 安全高度
safety analysis 安全性分析
safety and arming 安全/发火
safety and arming device 保险与解除保险装置
safety and arming device 安全与保险装置
safety and arming device
safety and arming mechanism 保险及爆炸机构
safety and firing mechanism 安全执行机构