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Terms for subject International trade (50553 entries)
rate of dividend 股利率
rate of dividend 股息率
rate of duty 关税税率
rate of duty 关税率
rate of flow 投入流入率
rate of foreign exchange 外汇率
rate of foreign exchange 外汇汇率
rate of foreign exchange 外汇兑换率
rate of freight 运费率
rate of freight 运价率
rate of freight 航运费
rate of gross investment 总投资率
rate of import penetration 进口 渗透率
rate of inflation 通货膨胀率
rate of interchange 货物交换比率
rate of international reserves imports 国际储备对进口的比率
rate of investment 投资率
rate of loading/discharging 装卸率
rate of margin 毛利率
rate of natural loss 商品自然损耗率