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Terms for subject Dermatology (14897 entries)
proximally-extending 向近心端伸展
prozone phenomenon 前带现象
pruriginous dermatosis 痒疹性皮肤病
prurigo agria 重型痒疹
prurigo chronica multiformis of Lutz 卢茨慢性多形性痒疹
prurigo ferox 重型痒疹
prurigo gestationis 妊娠痒疹
prurigo hiemalis 冬令痒疹
prurigo infantilis 小儿痒疹
prurigo mitis 轻型痒疹
prurigo nodularis 结节性痒疹
prurigo of Hebra 黑布拉痒疹
prurigo of scalp 头皮痒疹
prurigo papule 丘疹性痒疹
prurigo polycythaemica of Kocsard 科恰尔德红细胞增多性痒疹
prurigo simplex 单纯性痒疹
prurigo-like 痒疹样的
pruritic 瘙痒的
pruritic 痒的
pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy 妊 娠瘙痒性荨麻疹性丘疹及斑块