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Terms for subject General (491904 entries)
passenger-car chassis 轿车底盘
Passengers can download flight schedules on the Internet 旅客可以在网上下载航班时刻表
Passengers please kindly remain seated and waiting for the next announcement 旅客们,请耐心坐在原位,耐心等待稍后通知
Passengers requiring prescription medications should always carry them on board in their carry-on luggage 需要服用处方药的乘客应在登机时把药放在随身携带的行李箱中
Passengers to Seattle can be checked now, the bus is leaving in 30 minutes 去往西雅图的乘客可以检票,汽车将于半小时后发车
Passengers without cards, pay fares, please 无卡乘客请买票
passer 过路人
passer 质检员〔仪〕
passer 考试及格者
passer 使用伪币的人
passer 手锥
passerby 过路人
passerby 行人
passerby 经过者
Passeriform 雀形目
passerine 雀形目的
passerine 雀似的
passerine 燕雀类
passerine 雀形目的鸟
passewa 罂粟果汁