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Terms for subject Food industry (2138 entries)
oil kernel 油用果仁
oil mill 油坊
oil nut 油质坚果
oil of vegetable origin 植物油
oil-bearing crop 油料作物
oil-meal 油粕
oil-protein crops 油料蛋白质作物
oil-seed 油籽
oilbean 油籽
oilcake meal 油饼
oilfoots and dregs 油脚和油渣
oilmeal 油粕
oilmeal 油饼粉
oils and fats 油脂与脂肪
oilseed 油籽
oilseed crop 油料作物
oilseed-crushing plant 油坊
oleo-oil 液态牛油
olive 橄榄体 (Olea europaea)