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Terms for subject Sports (42544 entries)
instability of knee joint 膝关节不稳
install 安装
install 装配
instant replay 录像即时重播
instant replay 慢动作重播
instantaneous 瞬间
instantaneous 即刻
instantaneous acceleration 即时加速度
instantaneous analysis 瞬时分析
instantaneous axis of rotation 转动瞬轴
instantaneous axis of rotation 转动即时轴
instantaneous cardiac reserve 瞬时心力贮备
instantaneous cardiotachometry 瞬时心率测量
instantaneous centre of rotation 转动瞬心
instantaneous centre of rotation 转动即时心
instantaneous feedback 即刻反馈
instantaneous judgement 瞬时判断
instantaneous value 即时值
instantaneous velocity 即时速度
instep 脚背