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Terms for subject China (22638 entries)
income gained from outside China 境外所得
income gained within China 中国境内取得的所得
income generated from inside China 来源于中国境内的所得
income in foreign exchange 外汇收益
income lost by missing work 因误工减少的收入
income of a non-profit organization 非营利组织的收入
income of the current period 当期收入
income settled 清算所得
incompetent 不称职
incomplete 欠缺
incomplete statistics indicate that 据不完全统计
incomplete statistics show that 据不完全统计
inconsistency 矛盾
inconsistent 不一致
inconsistent with 不同
inconsistent with the facts 失实
incorporate 包含
incorporate comments and suggestions of deputies 吸收代表意见和建议
incorporate the requirement for (smth) into the law 将... 要求写入法律