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Terms for subject Economy (107058 entries)
gross domestic fixed capital formation 国内固定资产投资总额
gross domestic income 国内总收人
gross domestic output 国内总产量
gross domestic output 国内总产值
gross domestic product 国內生产总值
gross domestic product 总的国内生产值 (GDP)
gross domestic product by kind of economic activity 按经济活动种类分列的国内生产总值
gross domestic product in purchaser's values 按购买者价格计算的国内生产总值
gross domestic product per capita 按人口平均计算的国内总产值
gross domestic storage 国内总储备
gross earing method 毛利法
gross earing method 总收益法
gross earning depreciation method 总收益提成折旧法
gross earning method 毛利法
gross earning method 总收益法
gross earnings 毛收人
gross estate 未扣除债务的遗产总额
gross estimate 粗略估计数
gross estimate 估计毛额
gross farm production or value added of farm 农业增加值